Why uPVC lock upgrades are a good investment.
The types of cylinders found in most uPVC doors in Stockport are often poor quality, may not be suitable to satisfy your insurance requirements and can be vulnerable to the most common methods of attacks used by burglars.
uPVC Doors and Lock Snapping
1. What is lock snapping?
Lock snapping is an increasingly common method of attack used by burglars to gain entry to your property in Stockport and surounding areas. The method involves snapping the cylinder at a weak point, which allows the attacker to manipulate the lock open quietly within a few seconds.
2. What types of locks are vulnerable?
Lock snapping exploits a vulnerability inherent in the design of Euro Profile Cylinders, which are used on almost all uPVC doors. Whilst you may think that all the multi locking points on your door make it secure, it’s important to realise they are all locked in position by the cylinder – this is the weakest point and if compromised all the locking points are free to move.
3. How common is lock snapping?
Lock snapping requires no specialist knowledge or tools. It can take just 5-10 seconds for a thief to snap a lock. About 8% of all burglaries nationwide involved lock snapping in 2019. However, it is also important to note that this figure reflects a significant decrease from over 15% of burglaries in 2011 because of the introduction of anti-snap locks which are now fitted on new uPVC doors. Locally we have not seen a significant reduction in lock snapping in the Stockport area
3. What can I do to protect against lock snapping?
Lock snapping poses a real threat to the security of your home, but the important thing to realise is that there’s a simple solution. It’s not something to be afraid of, simply something to be aware of and take action to prevent by installing anti-snap locks.
How can I tell whether I have anti-snap locks already?

A standard euro cylinder
If your lock was fitted before 2011, or it was fitted after but does not carry the 3-star logo, it is vulnerable to lock snapping.
SS312 Diamond Approved Cylinder
SS312 Diamond is the highest level of approval for a euro cylinder lock. A lock bearing this logo is an anti-snap lock.
TS007 3 Star Kitemark
Locks with this logo are also resistant to lock snapping. The logo can be found anywhere on the lock.
❗ Please Note: A lock must have been approved by one of these 3rd Party standards to ensure it is truly snap resistant. Do not rely on claims made by the manufacturer or installer.
Cylinder Upgrades
If your current uPVC locks do not currently protect against lock snapping, you might consider upgrading to one of the following.
ABUS X60 Door Cylinders
Certified according to BSI***, Sold Secure Diamond & Secured by Design. This means they have been independently tested and shown to be resistant to lock-snapping attacks
Brisant Ultion (SS312 Diamond Cylinder)
Brisant Ultion cylinders are SS312 Diamond approved and provides robust protection against lock snapping.
3 Star Kitemark Cylinder
Cylinders which meet the TS007 3 Star Kitemark standard are resistant to lock snapping.
Handle Upgrades
Upgrading the lever handles to your uPVC and composite doors can greatly improve the security of your home. Our current preferred product has many advantages over standard style lever handles.
210% Stronger than Standard uPVC Door Handles
The design and construction of the handles make it impossible for a would-be burglar to remove them without significant amounts of effort and noisy tools. Its use of strong steel alloys makes it resistant to blow torch attack and larger M6 fixings and a curved design resists the grip of any tools.
Unlike a regular handle, the spindle is upgraded so that any leverage or excessive force to the handle will cause a deliberate weakness to sacrificially twist, protecting the door and the locking mechanism.